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Welcome to our Athletic Program

I’m Aaron Carlson, the Athletic Director for the Sevan Chapter.  With over 20 years of membership in Homenetmen, primarily with the Fresno Chapter, I bring my experiences and dedication to this new role. After relocating to San Diego approximately 9 years ago, I have remained involved with Homenetmen mainly participating in the various basketball tournaments throughout the years.  In 2013, I played in the Pan-Homenetmen Games held in Yerevan, an experience that further deepened my connection to my Armenian heritage and created long-lasting friendships within this organization.   My involvement in Homenetmen indirectly led me to meet my wife, illustrating the profound impact this organization has had on my life.  I am motivated by a desire to create a vibrant Armenian Community for my children as well as yours. I will continue to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where our young people can come together to celebrate their heritage and forge meaningful connections within our community and beyond.

Athletic Director, Aaron Carlson

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